"Sniffs has completely changed my view on my dogs habits and care!" ~ Happy Pet Owner

It's all about enrichment!

Eat, Play, Sleep, Repeat... Right?

Wrong! Your playful pet actually requires this one key ingredient to living a happy, healthy life... enrichment is the key to taking care of them and can make a world of a difference when it comes to behavior and calmness. We're talking about the cure to boredom in dog terms...

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    How it works

    Enrichment comes in multiple forms. Due to smell being their dominant sense, sniff related activities can stimulate your dog's mind and work on problem solving. This builds confidence in your dog while enriching their mind and senses.

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    A Better Solution

    You don't need to spend all day playing with your pup. In order to be physically and mentally healthy your dog needs to problem solve and engage their natural instincts. Experts even say 15 minutes of sniffing/foraging can burn as much energy as an hour of walking.

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    Work Smarter, not Harder

    No matter what your dogs training and play looks like, adding enrichment to your dogs daily routine can lead to better behavior and more fun for both of you!

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    Do it your way

    Whether you're being hands-on with your pup, or you enjoy seeing their self development, we make a variety of toys and training aids to help properly stimulate their senses. Enriching them and the bond you two share!

    We speak for the dogs...

    We say no dog should suffer from outlashes and fits due to boredom. So we came up with the solution, welcome to the one stop shop for all pup related enrichment & care items. Anything you need to support them at any point in their lives. We support pet owners building a positive and engaging bond between their pets. For this reason we donate 5% of all profits towards local shelters in the US, together we can help animals across America find a good home.

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    Why Sniffs?

    Our mission with Sniffs is to provide the best possible enrichment supplies for your pup at the best possible prices. We aim to give you the tools & knowledge to enrich your dog, and allow them to hone their natural instincts. We aim to allow all dogs to lead a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life.


    Quick Info on Enrichment...


    What is Enrichment?

    Enrichment helps meet your dog's physical, mental, and emotional needs.


    Why is Enrichment Important for your Dog?

    Dogs need to burn mental energy even more than physical energy. Dogs get bored very easily when they are not occupied which can lead to destructive behaviors like barking, biting, or chewing things up. Enriching your dog provides your dog with a positive way to get their energy out. Sniffing is one of the biggest ways dogs increase their enrichment. In fact, experts say 15 minutes of sniffing can be equivalent to an hour of walking in terms of used energy!


    What are Enrichment Toys?

    Make your dog feel more confident in themselves by promoting independence. Reduce anxiety, attention seeking, and destructive behavior!


    How can Enrichment Help Me?

    In order to get out your dog's energy, while building a bond with them, we recommend of mix of interactive and solitary enrichment activities. We offer a wide range of products that check both boxes. Foraging mats, lick mats, grooming items, and even proper equipment to take care of and train your pets in the best manner possible.


    Experts Recommend...

    30 min- 2 hours daily of enrichment activities. But let’s face it, most of us don’t have that kind of time. With Sniffs specific enrichment toys, even just 5 mins 2x/day can make a huge difference for you and your dog. Give your dog the enrichment they need and deserve… and make it easy for you to do too.